DAO Proposal Submission Guidelines

By following these guidelines, members can effectively contribute to the governance and direction of the LandX Finance DAO.


LandX Finance DAO allows members to participate in critical decision-making processes affecting the protocol. These guidelines are designed to help members submit well-structured and impactful proposals.

Eligibility to Submit Proposals

  • Holding Requirement: To submit a proposal, members must hold a minimum of 100 veLNDX tokens.

  • Voting Requirement: A minimum of 1 veLNDX token is required to vote on proposals.

Types of Proposals

  • Scope: The DAO welcomes all kinds of proposals, including but not limited to governance changes, financial decisions, community projects, or partnerships.

Proposal Submission Process

  1. Draft Your Proposal:

    • Title: Provide a concise and informative title.

    • Abstract: Summarize the proposal's purpose and impact.

    • Problem Statement: Identify the issue or opportunity your proposal addresses.

    • Proposed Solution: Clearly describe your proposed solution with any relevant details.

    • Rationale: Explain why this proposal is beneficial for the DAO.

    • Implementation Plan: Outline steps for implementation if the proposal is approved.

    • Budget (if applicable): Include a detailed budget proposal.

    • Metrics for Success: Specify how the success of the proposal will be measured.

  2. Community Engagement:

    • Engage with the community early by discussing your idea in LandX channels on Discord or Telegram.

  3. Finalize and Submit:

    • Incorporate feedback from the community to refine your proposal.

    • Submit your proposal on Snapshot following these submission guidelines.

Voting Process

  • Automated Voting: Votes are cast using veLNDX tokens through Snapshot, with the process being straightforward and automated.

Implementation of Successful Proposals

  • Post-Vote Process: Successful proposals will be implemented by LandX Labs/LandX Holdings.

Best Practices for Proposal Submission

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Ensure your proposal is easy to understand and gets straight to the point.

  • Community Engagement: Actively engage with the community before and after submission to build support and address any concerns.

  • Follow-Up: Keep the community updated on the progress of your proposal and any next steps after the vote.

Last updated